Thursday, May 14, 2015

MashMe wants to turn YOU into a Animated Character

Have you ever wanted to be a animated character?I know I have I just don't know how to do graphics, but Mashme does. For just $10 they are letting people get the software to transform themselves with out any of the hard work. There testing it with intentions of doing more than just games. I think this is definitely some news to follow.

Link to Article

Microsoft Windows 10 Update

So apparently Microsoft is outdoing themselves for Windows 10.The are saying it will come with 7 different editions including specifics for schools and businesses. I guess they are trying to make up for Windows 8. I know a lot of people hated windows 8, but i sill love it. The article is saying how each type of device that has it will have a different experience. Good job Microsoft cannot wait till later on this year. 

Link to Article

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fan buys Tron Motorcycle

Its crazy what you can do when you have the right funds. This fan of the Tron Legacy movie bought this light cycle for $77,000. The bids started off around $25,000-45,000. The crazy thing is that this bike actually works! I think its totally worth it because its the coolest motorcycle I ever seen. Its got a 96 volt battery, low seats, and high speed. So who ever bought this had a good investment. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Crab Car

German Engineers have now come up with a new flexible car with the purpose of smaller moves. They call it the crab car because its able to shrink and the wheels turn. Advantages of this car can be parking, I'm pretty sure its good at parallel parking. Overall I would not buy this car its so ugly, no one wants this car. The idea is good but ewl no, no way.

Link To Article

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Robo Chimp to roam the Moon in the Future

I loved the way they started this article with "Could the next moon mission involve a small step for a ape, and a giant leap for robots?" This statement is like 5 topics in one, but anyways. This article talks about how robots could be the solution to moon exploration. The robot ape in the pictures name is Charlie. Scientist say the choose a apebot  because of its different abilities from that of a normal robot. They say the speed and agility gives the extra need because of the terrain. Overall I'm all for this idea, if it was to ever come out. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

HoloLens Microsoft app demos

This was one of the neatest things I read lately. It shows the future, which looks more like virtual realization. We have all been hearing about how Holograms are doing amazing things. We had the Tupac and Micheal Jackson holograms that looked so realistic. This article was basically saying how Microsoft was demonstrating 10 apps through holoLens. The graphics were amazing it looked so computer generated but that's what people were actually seeing. 

Link to Article

Monday, April 20, 2015

Ikea's wireless charger

So Ikea has a new upcoming wireless adapter charger system. The bad thing about that is its for iPhone 6 and Galaxy s5. This is one of few new things Ikea has been working on such as the furniture with charging spots. For these particular charging cases it will cost about $25 for iPhones and $15 for Galaxy. So be looking for big things from Ikea they definitely intend to have a part in future technology.